Evince 的 PDF 标注支持又要向后拖

LiYanrui posted @ Feb 25, 2009 03:58:03 AM in GNU/Linux & Unix with tags evince , 5483 阅读

Evince 主要开发者 Carlos 说:

Annotations support is in our RoadMap since GNOME 2.20, and it has been the main goal since then. However, we failed in 2.22, in 2.24 and we are going to fail again in 2.26.

在我们的开发路线图中,实现标注支持的计划从 GNOME 2.20 就开始了。从那时起,它一直是开发中的主要目标。然而,我们在 2.22、2.24 版本中都以失败而告终,现在我们也将会在 2.26 版本中继续失败。

Lack of time is the main reason for this failure (remember that we, the Evince development team, are all volunteers), but it's not the only one. During the 2.25/2.26 cycle we have started to work on the annotations stuff, although (as usual) a little bit late, when the feature freeze deadline approached. When we had the minimum support already implemented, we realized that poppler didn't have support for writing annotations yet. I don't know why, but I was quite sure it was already implemented. The thing is that there isn't writing support for annotations in poppler right now. So we had, at least, two options: releasing evince 2.26 with annotations support in a read only mode or delaying the annotations support to the next cycle once again. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but the main reason why we decided not to release 2.26 with annots support is because we don't think that annotations are useful if you can't actually use them. I'm sure we were going to receive lots of bug reports about non editable popups.

时间不够是这次失败的主要原因(不要忘记,我们,Evince 的开发团队,是志愿者),但是并非全部原因。在 2.25/2.26 开发周期内,我们已经为实现标注支持做了一点工作,尽管起步有些迟,因为现在项目已经进入功能冻结期。当我们早先对标注功能实现最小化支持之时,我们发现 poppler 尚未提供标注的写入支持。我不知道其中缘故,但是我可以肯定这一功能是早已实现了的。问题是现在 poppler 依然无法支持标注的写入支持。因此,我们有两个选择:发布具备标注功能只读功能的 evince 2.26 或者继续将这个轮子滚到下一个发布版本。这两种选择都是不尽人意,但是我们之所以在 2.26 版本中不提供提供标注支持的主要原因是:如果你无法真正的使用它们(就是即能读,也能写),那么标注功能是没有用的。可以肯定,如果我们在 2.26 版本中仅提供只读的标注支持,那么我们将会收到大量的 bug 报告。

So, what's the plan? The idea is to implement writing support in poppler ASAP, and merge the evince code early in the next development cycle.

那么,下一步有何打算?在下个开发周期,计划是尽可能的在 poppler 中实现标注的写入支持,并且与 evince 的原有代码进行合并。

Despite the annots stuff, I'm very happy with the work done during this cycle, but I think I'll better talk about Evince 2.26 later in another post.

除了标注功能这件事,我对于这一轮的开发工作中感到非常愉快,不过我认为最好再写一篇文章来介绍一下 Evince 2.26。

TualatriX 说:
2009年2月25日 06:10

感觉GNOME这一年多来主要特性都在不断跳票,但愿GNOME 3不要跳了。。。

Yue Wang 说:
2009年3月05日 20:04

怎么让gentoo编译最新的ports?我明明看到gnome-2.24在gnome-base里面,但emerge gnome给我的是2.22...

LiYanrui 说:
2009年3月06日 00:50

@Yue Wang:

需要将 portage 设为“非稳定”分支状态,才可以装最新版本的软件包。譬如对于 x86 平台,只需在 /etc/make.conf 文件中写入:


就可以使用非稳定分支的 portage 了。

Yue Wang 说:
2009年3月06日 19:11

不过gentoo有一点特别赞,就是包的更新特别快。QT 4.5 和 QT Creator 1.0 前天刚刚发布,几个小时后ports中就有了。gentoo 也是少数官方源中使用 TeXLive 2008 的发行版之一(Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora无一例外地还在用2007, FreeBSD更是用 teTeX 3.0)。

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